Chuyen-doi-he-thong-giao-dich - Banner post -EN

Dear Valued Customers,

Ho Chi Minh City Securities Corporation (“HSC”) hereby informs you of the trading system transition plan in preparation for the deployment of the new system according to the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (“HSX”) as follows:

April 26, 2024: End-of-day trading data will be transferred to the new trading system of HSX.

April 30, 2024: HSC will conduct transaction testing with the new system of HSX. At the end of April 30, 2024, based on the test results, HSX will announce the official deployment of the new trading system.

May 2, 2024: The new trading system is expected to be officially deployed.

Should you need any further information or support, please contact your Account Manager or HSC Customer Service Center at the following information for timely assistance:

Best regards,